Earlier Presentations
2014 Invited Keynotes Only
- Riper, H. (2014, 13 January). Waterink-lezing. VU/ FPP. (VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H. (2014, 22 January). Keynote EU eMH research projects results. EU Public Mental Health Research – Bridging the Gap between Evidence and Policy. EU DG for Research and Innovation. (EU, Brussels, Belgium).
- Riper, H. (2014, 25 February). Keynote Blended eMH in routine practice, EU project results. IMPREEZE (AMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H. (2014, 8 May). Keynote mHealth voor EPA. GGZ+ Congres (Delft, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H. (2014, 6 June). Keynote Personalized eMental-Health for Common Mental Disorders. XIV Jornadas ANPIR Conference (Sevilla, Spain).
- Riper, H. (2014, 12 June) Keynote No pain, no gain: over de lusten en lasten van wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar eMental-health in de GGZ. Symposium ter ere van pensioenering R. Gerrits. (Dimence, Deventer, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H, (2014, 22 July) Keynote on the future of eMental-Health at the University of Exeter, Dept. of Clinical Psychology (Birmingham, UK).
- Riper, H, (2014, 24 July) Keynote on mHealth at the Annual Conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (Birmingham, UK).
- Riper, H. (2014, 24 September). Keynote: Nettherapy & iCBT for mental disorders. Alexius-/St. Josef Krankenhaus (Neuss, Germany).
- Riper, H. (2014, 26 September). Keynote: Personalized & ecological valid iCBT for common mental disorders. NOSMO Onderzoeksgroepen: Simulatie & Spel en Methodologie voor Complexe Maatschappelijke Problemen Symposium (Amsterdam, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H. (2014, 2 October). MasterMind, accelerating upscaling of evidence based treatment for mental disorders through advanced technologies in Europe. European Health Forum Gastein (Badhof Gastein, Austria).
- Riper, H. (2014, 6 Oktober) Vijftiende Avond van de Tafelwetenschappers, blauwdrukken voor de toekomst, de wetenschap van vandaag, is de wereld van morgen (Ridderzaal Den Haag, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H. (2014, 28 October), Keynote on mHealth at the CASS 18+ Conference on eHealth and Autisme (Utrecht, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H. (2014, 3th of November), Keynote on mobile eMental-Health at EHin” EHease I Norge (Oslo, Norway).
- Riper, H. (2014, 4th of November), Keynote on mHealth at the MindTrek Conference on Technology, Science and Business (Tampere, Finland).
- Riper, H. (2014, 18 November), eMental-Health: op maat, ecologisch valide en duurzame GGZ. Teamdag Bipolaire Stoornissen, GGZinGeest (Haarlem, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H. (2014, 21 November). Keynote eMental-Health, onderzoek dat leidt, technologie die verleidt, therapie die beklijft. Congres: Toekomst van de Psychiatrie, Discura (Arnhem, the Netherlands).
- Riper, H. (2014, 1 December). Keynote Personalized & Ecological Valid eMental-Health. Psykiatriens Forskningsdag 2014 (Fredericia, SDU, Denmark).
- Riper, H. (2014, 4 December). Keynote Personalized & Ecological Valid e-Prevention. Vroegdetectie, Preventie & Transitie (EUR, ESPRi, Epidemiological and Social Psychiatric Research Unit, Rotterdam, the Netherlands).
2013 Invited Keynotes Only
- Keynote Mobile Health Congress and formal Launch Triple-E (EMGO+ E-HEALTH EXCELLENCE). Utrecht, the Netherlands, 20 November 2013.
- Keynote eMental-health. Odense Regional Telemedicine Launch/ Odense Hospital. Odense, Denmark, 15 November 2013.
- Blended treatment and Mastermind. First European Telemedicine Conference. Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 29 October 2013.
- Key symposium Blended Care 15 jaar GZ Psycholoog, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20 September 2013.
- Keynote Expertmeeting Dienst Justitiele Inrichtingen & Ministerie van Justitie. Nieuwersluis, the Netherlands, 11 September 2013.
- EMGO+ Annual Meeting. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28 May 2013.
- Keynote eMental-Health congresdag. Amersfoort, the Netherlands, 16 April, 2013.
- Workshop results ‘Kennissynthese eMental-health’, NCVGZ invited by ZonMw. Ede, the Netherlands, 4 April 2013.
- Keynote Yulius Academy. Hendrik Ido Ambacht, Netherlands, 25 March 2013.
- Keynote Annual Finnish Psychiatry Congress (by live internet connection, 90 minutes), 15 March 2013.
2012 Invited Keynotes Only
- University Jaume I, Valencia, Spain, 22 November 2012. Guest Lecture.
- Congres Online Hulp, Utrecht, 1 November 2012. Invited speaker.
- European Health Forum Gastein, Salzburg, Austria. 4 October 2012. Invited speaker.
- Innovaties voor de Verslavingszorg. Den Haag, the Netherlands. Parnassia Bavo Groep/ Brijder Verslavingszorg. 20 September 2012. Keynote.
- Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference (CYBER17). Bruxelles, European Parliament, Belgium. 26 September 2012. Invited speaker.
- European Congress for Social Psychiatry at the Age of Neurosciences. Geneva, Switzerland. 6 July 2012. Invited symposium organizer and speaker.
- E-zorg in diagnostiek en therapie: zorg op afstand, afstandelijke zorg? Leiden, Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, the Netherlands. Boerhaave Nascholing. 14 June 2012. Invited speaker.
- Invitational conference “Online suïcide prevention”. VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. VU, FPP, Dept. of Clinical Psychology. 13 June 2012. Invited speaker.
- First European Society for Research on Internet Interventions. Lüneburg, Leuphana University, Germany. 30 May 2012. Opening & Invited speaker.
- Vijfde Dinsdag Symposium, GGZinGeest. Amstelveen, Amstelmere, the Netherlands. 29 May 2012. Invited speaker.
- Symposium ter gelegenheid oratie Else de Haan: Angst en dwang bij kinderen; nieuwe ontwikkelingen. Amsterdam, UvA, the Netherlands. 23 May 2012. Invited speaker.
- Supporting Health by Technology IV. Amersfoort, de Flint, the Netherlands. University of Twente. 22 May 2012. Invited speaker.
- Docentensymposium eHealth in het onderwijs. Amersfoort, Hogeschool Utrecht, the Netherlands. 10 May 2012. Invited speaker.
- SPARK: on Vitality and Ageing. Oegstgeest, Kasteel Oud-Poelgeest, the Netherlands. Leyden Academy. 16 May 2012. Invited speaker.
- Psychiatrie 2.0. Leeuwarden. GGZ Friesland. 16 March 2012. Invited speaker.
- MindCare 2012 – 2nd International Workshop on Computing Paradigms for Mental Health. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1 February 2012. Invited speaker.
- Symposium Andere wegen in de Psychiatrie, Castricum, Dijk en Duin, the Netherlands. Parnassia/Bavo. 25 January 2012. Keynote: Persuasive Technologies, Triggers & Therapies.
Keynotes and presentations 2011
- Keynote Sense & Sensibility: mobiele geestelijke gezondheidszorg. High Tech, Low care? (15 februari 2011). Hilversum: Slachtofferhulp Nederland.
- Keynote Van Ping tot Sociobot & Patient 2.0, de GGZ in transitie (18 februari 2011). Heelsum: Pro Persona.
- eMental-Health (10 maart 2011). Den Haag: VWS
- Keynote Sense & Sensibility: digitale hulp voor psychische problemen (3 maart 2011). Barneveld: TRAUMA Benecke.
- Low intensity e-self help for curbing problem drinking: it works and it pays off (8 April 2011). Sydney: ISRII.
- Keynote Diabetes 2.0: treat or threat? Symposium: Web-based cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in adults with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. (21 april 2011, VUMC Amsterdam)
- Health Research Goes Personal, Social and Mobile. (2011 May 19, Amsterdam). EMGO+ retraite.
- eMental-Health Goes Personal, Social and Mobile. (30 mei 2011) Groningen: UCP/RUG.
- Low intensity cCBT for problem drinking & role of support (2 september 2011). EABCT Reykjavik.
- Implementation of Computer-aided Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT): Emerging Issues. How successful is low intensity CCBT for depression in the Netherlands? (2 september 2011). EABCT Reykjavik.
- Keynote: Early intervention and prevention of common mental health problems. (26 sept. 2011) Catholic University Leuven, Belgium.
- eMental-health & Ambient Assisted Living @ AAL FORUM (28 september 2011); invited by ZonMw & AAL Europe. Lecce: AAL
- Serious gaming for depression (25 oktober 2011). the Games for Health Europe Conference. Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan het IJ.
- Keynote GGZ symposium. ELO verbindt, verbetert en versterkt de eerste lijn (6 oktober 2011). Delft.
- Preventie en behandeling van depressie in transitie: haalbaar, betaalbaar en effectief. @ Vital Health ‘Crossing the lines’ conference (7 oktober 2011). Ede: Vital Health.
- Preventie en behandeling van psychische aandoeningen via internet. Virenze (14 oktober 2011). Rijckholt: Virenze.
- Valeriussymposium 2011: Prezens! Innovatieve GGZ in de eerste lijn (10 november 2011). VUMC, Amsterdam.
- eMental-Health wordt persoonlijk, sociaal & mobile U ook? Derde jaarcongres voor Klinisch Psychologen en Klinisch Neuropsychologen “De Specialist Online”. (25 november 2011). Utrecht.
- Internet based psychotherapy: international perspectives (26 November 2011). DGPPN Congress: Berlin.
De effectiviteit van online hulp! – Heleen Riper #COH2012
Welcome to ISRII 2012
ISRII meets BJ Fogg
BJ Fogg, from Stanford University is an expert in persuasive technology. ISRII members interviewed BJ Fogg at the Medicine 2.0 @ Stanford 2011
Voorjaarscongres NVvP 1-4-2011
Debat over social media in de psychiatrie Voorjaarscongres NVvP 1-4-2011 iPhone opnamen HENKEMANS FILM
TEDxAmsterdam Women 7 & 8 dec 2010
Three minute TED-talk Heleen Riper: Digitalisering geestelijke gezondheidszorg.
- Riper, H. (2010) Keynote Presentation at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Curbing problem drinking on the digital high road. Toronto, Canada, 26 February 2010.
- Riper, H. & Mokkenstorm, J. (2010) HIMSS, Atlanta 4 March 2010. E-mental health in the Netherlands from an international perspective.
- Riper, H. & Mokkenstorm, J. (2010). E-mental health is here to stay. 16 april 2010. Voorjaarscongres NVvP: Maastricht.
- Riper, H. (2010). Keynote: Van Ping tot Sociobot & Patient 3.0: de GGZ in transitie. 10 november 2010. Congres online hulpverlening. Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum en Stichting e-hulp.nl: Utrecht.
- Riper, H. 23 september 2010. “Wat levert eHealth de zorgaanbieder op?” Presentatie landelijke studiedag Gezondheid 2.0. NICTIZ: Amsterdam.
- Riper, H. (2010). Innovatieve preventie en behandeling van probleemdrinken via internet
- Bunnik symposium: Het verslavingssyndroom in de psychiatrie. 5 maart 2010. Utrecht.
- Riper, H. (2010). Keynote: Duurzame Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg & eMental-Health Ministerie van Justitie: 23 maart 2010. Den Haag.
- Riper, H. (2010). Sustainable prevention with e-mental health. Presentation at the INPESconference: Internet et santé publique: pratiques, expériences et enjeux. Institut national de prévention et d’éducation pour la santé 9 April 2010. Paris.
- Riper, H. (2010). E-Mental Health for All: (cost) effectiveness, scalability & appraisal. Project Presentation. WHO 15 april 2010. Geneve.
- Riper, H. (2010). eMental-Health: high tech, high touch, high trust. International Court of Justice. 28 May 2010. The Hague.
- Riper, H. (2010). Curbing problem drinking in the digital galaxy. Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs, Addiction. UvA/ Radboud University and ZonMw, The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development. 20 juli 2010. Amsterdam.
- Riper, H. (2010). ‘HET HEFT UIT HANDEN’ over zelfmanagement in de zorg. 1ste Lijn Amsterdam (ROS), Jaarconferentie 2010, 19 oktober 2010: Amsterdam.
- Riper, H. (2010) Keynote “Digitale geestelijke gezondheidszorg: treat or threat?”. eHealth & Business. 26 oktober 2010. Health Valley: Nijmegen.
- Riper, H. (2010) ‘A tweet a day, keeps the doctor away.’ Presentatie Congres Doorbreek het isolement van uw client, Social media in de zorg. 18 november 2010. Reed Business: Amsterdam.
- Riper, H. (2010). Clinical and cost-effectiveness of eMental-Health. GGZinGeest referaat, 2 november 2010. GGZinGeest, Amsterdam.
- Riper. H. (2010). GGZ referaat, GGZ Friesland: eMental heal en zorg 2.0. 11 november 2010. GGZ Friesland: Leeuwarden.
Earlier presentation available on request.
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